
Nadeje--The Origin of Mille Crepe

今天,和宝贝出去吃个下午茶 (有点怪@@)我当时很饿,但由于是下午4点,不敢吃太饱以免吃不下晚餐,就来到Plaza Mahkota这里吃蛋糕^^距离上一次的光顾,已经相隔半年了吧~Mille crêpe is a french cake made of many crêpe layers. "Mille" means "a thousand", implying the many layers of crêpe. Okla,就是俗称的《千层蛋糕》。相信很多人都知道吧?一讲千层蛋糕,就是这间了!是法国蛋糕也~呵呵
这是宝贝的Tiramisu Mille Crepe
这是我的Original Mille Crepe,坚持要吃原味的!(但是,宝贝的比我的好吃><)
You can actually see the layers! Count it! Haha~
宝贝在我不知情的情况下,叫了一杯Diet Coke。要死咯,Rm5一罐!
This is where our drinks and cakes from. Drinks from the left side; Cakes from the right XD
店里有点灯光不足,营造出很温馨浪漫的感觉。有Wifi可以上网。看见很多人在这里Gathering/Relaxing/Chatting/Resting/Enjoying。我和宝贝嘛,应该是Eating =="
Yummy~~But, opps....I have a pimple on my face ><"
Took a photo together. (Ugly monkey)
Okay, Ending. 我们又中Saman了! (敢敢不放parking coupon咯,我建议的)Haiz =="

RM8.50 per piece of mille crepe(worthy)/RM5 per can of diet coke(very expensive!)

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