宿舍楼的外观就不拍了,免得让人家用异样的眼光看着==” 呵呵。来看看里面吧~我的房间是B2-02,Twin sharing。房内的面积不算大,也不算小,还可以啦。
女生嘛,最爱的就是shopping~wuhoo~我们相约了每逢星期三都一定要去midvalley一趟。选择Midvalley是因为它是唯一一个坐KTM能够direct去到的shopping mall。Psycho课4点一结束,我们就搭巴士/的士到KTM站,要坐1个小时才会到达目的地。
也有人说我们很够力,因为去到Midvalley已经5点多了,要赶在最后一班Nilai Bus回到Inti,我们必须9点就坐KTM回去了。而再扣除掉吃饭和等巴士/的士/KTM的时间,只剩下2个小时能够逛街。哈哈哈
Well, the subject I loved most is General Psychology. Its new for me.Good and Fun.
As you can see,
English Composition (==)无言
Concepts of Calculus (==") x2 讨厌数学
Introduction of Microeconomics (reminds me 方顺垒)...=="
Moral Education...(==") x Ntimes 废到极点
I hate Monday, it is the 1st day of the week and the day I went back INTI from Malacca.
and I hate Monday, because there is no class until 12pm... I can cry from the time I woke up until 11.30pm, and go to class with my extremely bengkak eyes. Then, everybody will ask me: oh my god,what happened??
Moral at 10am. Mr Ng Chan Chai's class,餐餐吃菜。And ya, he is a vegetarian.
This makes me feel my life is meaningless when I woke up early in the morning and I don't like Econs too... But luckily, I got class from morning till noon...No time to think much and cry..haha
The day I am looking foward the most. I went Midvalley every wednesday after psycho class.
A friend--Eva, accompanied me. We had a great time together. (will talk about this next post^^)
Its hard for me to wake up at 7.30am in the morning since I graduated from high school. Its even harder for me to wake up so early and attend a MATHS class, which needs my brain. After maths, I skipped Moral at 5pm. Normally, I go KL to stay overnight with my dad. But mostly, I take KTM to seremban bus station, and come back Malacca.
--I know its a bit crazy, but i love to do so.
Its the most wonderful day in the week. I can officially consider "Balik Kampung".
*If im in KL the previous night, my dad will fetch me back INTI to attend english class.
*If I went back malacca, my mom will fetch me back INTI to attend english class. Mom waited for me to finish my class, and we went back home together~ yeah, love you mum!
*Sometimes, I'll just skip the class. XD
and Finally,经过4个月的折磨.......当当当当,my final grades are out! I just know it a few minutes ago, and actually I should know it 2 days ago. Examination centre promised result will be released at 28/4... but i think the date today is 30/4 lor ... ==
Nevermind, I agak-ed already. The 效率 is what I've expected, so no surprise.
Ladies and gentlemen, please kindly move to the next post if you are curious about my result~
Thanks for your concern XD